Brant Point Light

Brant Point Light, Nantucket Island, Massachusetts
Brant Point Light, Nantucket Island, Massachusetts

TITLE: Brandt Point
CAPTION: Sail boat racing off beautiful Brant Point light beckons the Summer Vacationist.  Color by E. Everett Howell
PUBLISHER: Distibuted by Howell’s Studio, Vineyard Haven, Mass.
POSTMARK: None – Standard Sized Postcard is Unused

Anastasia Light House, St. Augustine, Florida

Anastasia Light House, St. Augustine, Florida
Anastasia Light House, St. Augustine, Florida

Anastasia Light House, St. Augustine, Florida

TITLE: Anastasia Light House St. Augustine, Florida
The Oldest City in the United States
Anastasia Island Light House marks the entrance to the port of St. Augustine and guides coastwise vessels on their course. A first order light, 165 feet high, it replaced the ancient Spanish lighthouse near this site which was washed into the Atlantic ocean in 1885. It is near St. Augustine’s Municipal Beach.
POSTCARD ID: 12 &60877
PUBLISHER: Florida Souvenir Co., St. Augustine, Florida
“Tichnor Quality Views” Reg. U.S. Pat. Off. Made Only at Tichnor Bros., Inc. Boston, Mass
POSTMARK: None – Unused Standard Sized Postcard

Greetings from Ontario

Greetings from Ontario

We think this is the Griffiths Island Light, Ontario, Canada.  Do you know?

TITLE: Greetings from Ontario
CAPTION: Ontario Canada’s Province of Contrasts
That beautiful flower of colorful varieties, the Trillium, was suitably chosen as Ontario’s floral emblem in 1937. For enchanting diversity is the great attraction for visitors to the province – for example, the stately Parliament Buildings in Ottawa, Canada’s Capital, or a lonely lighthouse standing sentinel on the shores of the Great Lakes, the thundering cataract of Niagara Falls, or the quiet waters of the famous Locks at Sault Ste. Mari; the dynamism of Toronto refected in its twin-towered City Hall; and the challenging waters of the countless lakes in the great north and northwest.
Greetings from Pakenham, Ontario, Canada
POSTCARD ID: 16476R-10
PUBLISHER: Made by Alex Wilson Publications Limited, Dryden, Ontario, Canada
POSTMARK: None – Unused Continental Sized Postcard

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Concord Point Lighthouse

Concord Point Lighthouse, Havre De Grace, Maryland
Concord Point Lighthouse, Havre De Grace, Maryland
Concord Point Lighthouse, Havre De Grace, Maryland
Concord Point Lighthouse, Havre De Grace, Maryland

TITLE: Concord Point Lighthouse
Caption: foot of Lafayette St., Havre De Grace, Maryland. Built in 1827, this granite building is on the National Historic Register. Its electric-powered beam aids local boaters around Concord Point where the Susquehanna River flows into the Chesapeake Bay. Open to visitors Sundays 1-5, June through October.
PUBLISHER: Pub by The Country Studio, P.O. Box 206, Aberdeen, MD 21001
Photo by Robert J. Bailey
POSTMARK: None – Unused Continental Sized Postcard

Baldhead Lighthouse ~ Smith Island, N.C.

Bald Head Lighthouse - Smith Island, N.C.
Bald Head Lighthouse – Smith Island, N.C.
Bald Head Lighthouse - Smith Island, N.C.
Bald Head Lighthouse – Smith Island, N.C.

TITLE: Bald Head Lighthouse – Smith Island, N.C.
CAPTION: Abandoned several years ago, Baldhead Lighthouse stood alone as the only structure on Smith Island guiding marine craft up the Cape Fear River and past the feared naked bleak elbow of sand that juts far into the ocean from lower Cape Fear. ©1974 Aerial Photography Services, Inc., Charlotte, N.C.
PUBLISHER: Pub by Aerial Photography Services, Inc., 2300 Dunavant St., Charlotte, N.C. 28203
POSTMARK: None – Unused Continental Sized Postcard


Highland Light

Click on image to zoom in
Click on image to zoom in

TITLE: Highland Light
CAPTION: Original built in 1797, new tower erected in 1857. It stands on a cliff 140 ft. above sea level. Four million candlepower make this one of the strongest beamed lighthouses in the world.
North Truro – Cape Cod – Mass
PUBLISHER: ©Color Photo & Published by J. Lazarus. P.O. Box 367, Hyannis, Mass. 02601
POSTMARK: None -Postcard is unused

Eastern Point Lighthouse, Gloucester, Cape Ann, Mass.

Click on image to zoom in
Click on image to zoom in

TITLE: Eastern Point Lighthouse, Gloucester
Cape Ann, MASS>
CAPTION: One of the oldest lighthouses along the New England Coast. Located at the entrance to Gloucester Harbor at Dog Bar Breakwater.
Color Photo: Fred Jellison, Jr.
POSTCARD ID: C14300 & MA1475D
PUBLISHER: Published by Bromley & Company, Inc., Boston, Mass. 02210
POSTMARK: None – Postcard is unused

Cape Cod Lighthouses

Click on image to zoom in
Click on image to zoom in

TITLE: Cape Cod Lighthouses
CAPTION: Cape Cod, Mass.
Highland Light, Troro.
Nauset Light, Eastham.
Nobska Lighthouse, Woods Hole.
POSTCARD ID: 125 & K100443
PUBLISHER: Shoreline Distributors
P.O. Box 477, So. Yarmouth, Ma 02664
POSTMARK: None – Postcard is unused

Duluth North and South Breakwater Lights

TITLE: Opening of Navigation Season.
First Giant Freighters Entering Ship Canal and Duluth-Superior Harbor

CAPTION: The navigation season for Duluth-Superior harbor for Interlake navigation is approximately from April 15th to December 15th or about eight months. This view shows the giant freighters on their first trip of the season to the head of the Great Lakes, as they enter Duluth-Superior harbor.
POSTCARD ID: 142-D and 2B-H1222
PUBLISHER: Zenith Interstate News Co., Duluth, Minn.
Genuine Curteich-Chicago “C.T. Art-Colortone” Post Card (Reg. U.S. Pat Off.)
POSTMARK: None – postcard is unused