TITLE: Eastern Point Lighthouse, Gloucester
Cape Ann, MASS>
CAPTION: One of the oldest lighthouses along the New England Coast. Located at the entrance to Gloucester Harbor at Dog Bar Breakwater.
Color Photo: Fred Jellison, Jr.
POSTCARD ID: C14300 & MA1475D
PUBLISHER: Published by Bromley & Company, Inc., Boston, Mass. 02210
POSTMARK: None – Postcard is unused
Cape Cod Lighthouses
Duluth North and South Breakwater Lights
TITLE: Opening of Navigation Season.
First Giant Freighters Entering Ship Canal and Duluth-Superior Harbor
CAPTION: The navigation season for Duluth-Superior harbor for Interlake navigation is approximately from April 15th to December 15th or about eight months. This view shows the giant freighters on their first trip of the season to the head of the Great Lakes, as they enter Duluth-Superior harbor.
POSTCARD ID: 142-D and 2B-H1222
PUBLISHER: Zenith Interstate News Co., Duluth, Minn.
Genuine Curteich-Chicago “C.T. Art-Colortone” Post Card (Reg. U.S. Pat Off.)
POSTMARK: None – postcard is unused
The Spring Point Ledge Light House, Guarding Portland Harbor, Maine
TITLE: The Spring Point Ledge Light House, Guarding Portland Harbor, Maine
POSTCARD ID: D-8 & 25838
PUBLISHER: Published by Portland Candy Co., Portland, Me.
Colorcraft-Made by The Dexter Press, Pearl River, N.Y.
POSTMARK: None – Postcard is Unused
The Breakwater Light, Portland Harbor at Night, Portland, Maine
Ocracoke Village and Harbor
TITLE: Ocracoke Village and Harbor
CAPTION: Ocracoke Island, N.C.
The pirate Blackbeard was killed here in 1718. This Outer Banks community has its harbor on Pamlico Sound.
Photo by Aycock Brown
PUBLISHER: “Lusterchrome Reg. U.S. Pat. Off. Made only by Tichnor Bros., Inc., Boston 15, Mass.
POSTMARK: Williamsburg, VA. APR 17 1963
Check out my pictures of the Ocracoke Lighthouse!
Famous Biloxi Lighthouse on West Beach, Biloxi, Mississippi
TITLE: Famous Biloxi Lighthouse on West Beach, Biloxi, Mississippi
CAPTION: THIS BEAUTIFUL AND HISTORIC LIGHTHOUSE was built of cast iron in 1848 and tended for over 60 years by women keepers. It’s 65 feet of gleaming white tower lends charm to Biloxi’s beautiful beach.
PUBLISHER: Gulfport Printing Co., Gulfport, MISS
POSTMARK: None – Unused Postcard
Scene at Palmer Park, Detroit, Mich.
TITLE: Scene at Palmer Park, Detroit, Mich.
CAPTION: Palmer Park, where lighthouse is located is a restful retreat of 120 acres and is located seven miles out Woodward Avenue. One of the delightful features is its Log Cabin with its quaint furniture. It has many acres of woods, children’s playgrounds and a casino where refreshments are served.
PUBLISHER: C.T. Photochrome
POSTMARK: Detroit, MICH JUL 3, 1914
Lighthouse, Pensacola, FLA.
Lighthouse at Duluth, Minn
PUBLISHER: V.G. Hammon Pub. Co., Minneapolia and Chicago
POSTMARK: Duluth, MINN JUN 29, 1912