TITLE: Delaware Bay, NJ – #7 in a series of 7 Lighthouses
CAPTION: BRANDYWINE SHOAL LIGHTHOUSE is located at the southernmost part of Delaware Bay – N.W. of Cape May Point. It was the first screwpile lighthouse ever built in the United States. Its 3rd order Fresnel lens shone for the first time on Oct 28, 1850. After serving well for over 60 years, a new conical structure, requiring less maintenance, was built on a caisson of reinforced concrete and was lit on Oct 20, 1914. This Light Station is still an important aid to navigation and was the last Lighthouse in the Delaware Bay to have a keeper on board! Automation took place about 1974 . . the end of a once proud era!
PUBLISHER: Published by Sandpiper Photos – Fortescue, NJ
©Photo by CAROLE REILY – “The Lighthouse Lady”
POSTMARK: None, Not Used Postally