TITLE: Whaleback Light, Portsmouth, N.H.
PUBLISHER: Pub. by Harry Winebaum News Agency, Portsmouth, N.H.
POSTMARK: None, Not Used Postally
The World of Lighthouses on the Postcards of Yesterday and Today
TITLE: Lighthouse, Sea Cow Head, Prince Edward Island, Canada
CAPTION: Lighthouse, Sea Cow Head
Along P.E.I.’s 1100 mile coastline are many lighthouses warning sailor’s of the dangers of the deep such as this one on the South shore.
Phare, Sea Cow Head
Tout au long des 1100 milles du littoral de I’lle-du-Prince Edward, plusieurs phares tel que celui-ci sur la rive sud avertissent les matelots des dangers de l’abime.
PUBLISHER: Pub by Allied Sales Ltd, Charlottetown, P.E.I.
Photo by D. Smith
POSTMARK: None, Not Used Postally
TITLE: Pigeon Point Lighthouse, California
CAPTION: The point itself was actually named for an earlier shipwreck, that of the Carrier Pigeon in 1853. After three more wrecks in the 1860’s the San Mateo County Gazette wrote: “No other one place on the Pacific Coast has proved so fatal to navigators as this locality … all of the vessels that have been lost in the vicinity of Pigeon Point have been wrecked in consequence of dense fogs which prevented the land from being sighted until the vessels were among the breakers.” First lit in 1872, the lighthouse prevented many disasters, but not all. Seen here in 1934.
PUBLISHER: www.mostcards.com
POSTMARK: None, Not Used Postally.
TITLE: Pumpkin Island Light
CAPTION: Discontinued as a Lighthouse PUMPKIN ISLAND, at the west end of Eggemoggin Reach, reflects the morning light. To the west is Penobscot Bay and Camden hills.
POSTCARD ID: #37 and 87683
PUBLISHER: Pub. by Augustus D. Phillips & Son – Northeast Harbor, Maine U.S.A.
POSTMARK: None, not used postally