Tibbets Point Lighthouse, NY


CAPTION:  Cape Vincent, N.Y.
At the outlet of Lake Ontario and the head of the St. Lawrence River, about three miles from Cape Vincent, was fist built in 1827 and rebuilt in 1854. A circular staircase leads to the light, which is 67 feet above the water and visible for 14 nautical miles.
PUBLISHER: Published by Sterling Wholesale, Gouverneur, N.Y.
POSTMARK: Not used postally


Fire Island Lighthouse New York

TITLE:  Fire Island Lighthouse, New York

CAPTION:   This lighthouse is the first to be sighted by ships coming from Europe.
PUBLISHER:  Made by E Tomlin Art Company, Northport, Long Island, N.Y.
POSTMARK:   Not Postmarked, Not used postally

Moving the Block Island Southeast Lighthouse, RI

TITLE:  Rhode Island Lighthouse

CAPTION:  Block Island’s Southeast Light being moved out of danger from the edge of Mohegan Bluffs, 245 feet inland in August of 1993.  This light has been in operation since 1975 and is 200 feet above the sea.
Photo by B.L. Gordon
POSTCARD ID: 27149220 New England Lighthouse Series Number Four
PUBLISHER: Pub. & dist. by Books & Tackle, Westerly, RI
POSTMARK: None, Not Used Postally

Brandywine Shoal Lighthouse, Delaware Bay, NJ

TITLE:  Delaware Bay, NJ – #7 in a series of 7 Lighthouses

CAPTION:   BRANDYWINE SHOAL LIGHTHOUSE is located at the southernmost part of Delaware Bay – N.W. of Cape May Point.  It was the first screwpile lighthouse ever built in the United States.  Its 3rd order Fresnel lens shone for the first time on Oct 28, 1850.  After serving well for over 60 years, a new conical structure, requiring less maintenance, was built on a caisson of reinforced concrete and was lit on Oct 20, 1914.  This Light Station is still an important aid to navigation and was the last Lighthouse in the Delaware Bay to have a keeper on board!  Automation took place about 1974 . .  the end of a once proud era!
PUBLISHER:  Published by Sandpiper Photos – Fortescue, NJ
©Photo by CAROLE REILY – “The Lighthouse Lady”
POSTMARK:  None, Not Used Postally


Miah Maull Shoal Lighthouse Delaware Bay NJ

TITLE:  Delaware Bay, N.J. #5 in a series of 7 Lighthouses

CAPTION:   MIAH MAULL SHOAL LIGHTHOUSE derived its strange name from the fact that a man named Nehemiah Maull drowned near the present site in a late 18th century shipwreck.  In 1909, a temporary light shone from the cast iron foundation shell which later that year was partially filled with concrete.  At last – in 1913, the permanent light was exhibited for the 1st time from its 4th order lens which was visible for 15 miles.  Originally painted brown, Miah Maull (by 1941) was “listed” as having a red tower and watch-room, a black lantern room and sitting on a gray base.  During renovation in the early 80’s, the metal canopy covering the walkway was removed by the USCG — “sadly” altering its appearance.  By 1973, Miah Maull was fully automated and is still an active aid to navigation and a favorite fishing spot to many!
PUBLISHER: Published by Sandpiper Photos – Fortescue, NJ
©Photo by CAROLE REILY – “The Lighthouse Lady”
POSTMARK: None ~ Not used postally

Cross Ledge Lighthouse, Delaware Bay, NJ

TITLE:  Delaware Bay, NJ – #3 in a series of 7 Lighthouses

CAPTION:  CROSS LEDGE LIGHTHOUS located off of Fortescue, NJ, was completed and lit for the 1st time in 1875.  The 1901 “Light List” described Cross Ledge as a 20story white wood-framed dwelling with green shutters, grey trim and a black lantern situated on top of an octagonal granite base.  Due to the erection of the new Elbow of Cross Ledge Light nearby, the old Ledge Light was discontinued around 1907.  During WWII, military planes used it for target practice by dropping flour sack markers onto it!  Much controversy surrounds the last stages and final demise of the badly deteriorated Cross Ledge Light.  Finally, in 1962, the USCG burned it down to the granite base -which is all that remains today – a sad ending for a once beautiful lighthouse!
PUBLISHER:  Published by Sandpiper Photos – Fortescue, NJ
©Photo by CAROLE REILY – “The Lighthouse Lady”
POSTMARK: None ~ Not used postally