Sentinel Portraits is a look at lighthouses from around the world, as viewed on the postcards of yesterday and today. These postcards are part of my personal collection, collected over the past 20-plus years. Although not every single lighthouse in the world is a part of this collection, there is a great assortment showcasing the different styles, colors and architecture that has been used through the ages.
While collecting postcards, you occasionally add duplicates to your collection. Some of these duplicates will be a part of these pages, because the condition is different; one is unposted and unwritten on and another has a message, stamp and/or postmark, which makes it that much more interesting.
To purchase Lighthouse related items (including postcards, books, license plates, mugs) as well as United States and World Wide Scenic and Topical postcards, visit
To see photographs of the lighthouses I have personally visited, please visit Sea The Lights.
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