TITLE: Heavy Surf and Mile Rock Lighthouse at Entrance to “The Golden Gate.” San Francisco, California
POSTCARD ID: 58 & 43703
PUBLISHER: Scenic View Post Card Co., 667 Mission St., San Francisco, Cal.
POSTMARK: Burlingame, Calif. AUG 16 1950
Two Lights and Cape Elizabeth Life Saving Station, Portland Harbor, Maine
Launching the Lifeboat, Hampton Beach, N.H.
Thatcher’s Island, Twin Lights, Gloucester, Mass
West Quoddy Light, Most Eastern Point U.S.A.
Famous Marblehead Lighthouse, over 100 years old

TITLE: Famous Marblehead Lighthouse, over 100 years old.
Marblehead Lighthouse, on Lake Erie, 3 Miles East of Lakeside
CAPTION: MARBLEHEAD LIGHTHOUSE, a great beacon, established in 1820, to guide mariners around this rocky peninsula shore, is a point of interest to all tourists. Idustrially this community has one principal industry, a great limestone quarry. Cottages and cabins and boats for the fisherman are in abundance.
POSTCARD ID: 268 & 44243-C-N
PUBLISHER: Geo. H. Tremper, Sandusky, Ohio, Distributor
Genuine Curteich-Chicago “C.T. American Art” Post Card (Reg. U.S. Pat. Off.)
POSTMARK: None – Unused Standard Sized Postcard
Lighthouse Entrance to Harbor Conneaut, Ohio

TITLE: Lighthouse Entrance to Habor Conneaut, Ohio
CAPTION: Conneaut Harbor is among the oldest and best known harbors on Lake Erie. It is modernly equipped and electrically operated, well suited for loading and unloading of ore, steel and coal
PUBLISHER: Pub. by Bruce Gardner, Geneva, Ohio
Natural Color Post Card Made in U.S.A. by E. Kropp Co., Milwaukee, Wis. (GAL)
POSTMARK: Conneaut Ohio JUL 20 1944

Staten Island Light, Richmond, Staten Island, N.Y.

TITLE: Staten Island Light
Staten Island, N.Y.
PUBLISHER: Sold by Weitzman’s Photo Shop, Stapleton, S.I., N.Y.
A “ColourPicture” Publication Boston 15, Mass., U.S.A.
POSTMARK: None – Unused Standard Sized Postcard
Fishing Bobber Garland
Brant Point Light

TITLE: Brandt Point
CAPTION: Sail boat racing off beautiful Brant Point light beckons the Summer Vacationist. Color by E. Everett Howell
PUBLISHER: Distibuted by Howell’s Studio, Vineyard Haven, Mass.
POSTMARK: None – Standard Sized Postcard is Unused